About Sultan IV. Murad, Sultan Abdulaziz and Sultan V. Mehmed Reşad records

She has made an admirable effort to record these works that have been inherited from our ancient music and to create this collection...
Sultan IV. Murad, Sultan Abdülaziz ve  Sultan V. Mehmed Reşad kayıtları hakkında

The works performed within the scope of the Sultan's Maqam project have the distinction of being a very valuable collection inherited from our ancestors from history to the present. The works that we, as the Istanbul Sazendeleri, have performed and recorded consist of compositions by Sultan IV. Murad, Sultan Abdülaziz and Sultan V. Mehmed (Mehmet Reşad).  
Within the scope of this project, we have recorded ten compositions mainly signed by Sultan IV. Murad, three compositions signed by Sultan Abdülaziz and one composition signed by Sultan Mehmet Reşad.  
In addition to his sultanate, Murad IV was also a poet and wrote poems under the pen name "Muradî". Murad IV, who was also a calligrapher, produced in this field due to his interest in music and composed compositions under the pen name "Şah Murad". When we look at his existing compositions, we see that the sultan used the hüseyni maqam the most. If we were to say a few words about his composition; it is possible to say that he created a composition in which the theme and musical texture he created, especially in the uzzal makam and peşrev form, beautifully revealed both emotion and dynamism. In addition, the musical accents in the sultan's Iraq Peşrev are a good example of the enthusiasm of the mehter.  
The other three pieces we performed as the Istanbul Sazendeleri belong to Sultan Abdülaziz. The composer, who had a strong background in Turkish and Western music, was also a good performer of the piano and lute instruments, and this colorfulness is striking in his compositions. Within the scope of this project, we re-recorded two of the composer's works with lyrics and one of his famous Hicaz Syrto.  
Finally, we performed the Nihavend Peşrev, which bears the signature of Sultan Mehmed Reşad and is important in terms of being recorded. This piece is in the neveser makam in terms of its progression. 
Among the 14 pieces we perform as the Istanbul Sazzendeleri, there is one piece with lyrics by Sultan IV. Murad and two pieces with lyrics by Sultan Abdülaziz. Our artist friend Eda Karaytuğ interpreted these pieces. 
We would like to express our deepest gratitude on behalf of art to the valuable Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehtap Demir-Güven, Selçuk Murat Kızılateş, Atilla Özdemir and the valuable team of Studio Ada, who made it possible for us to record these pieces that have been inherited from our ancient music and who have made an admirable effort for this collection.  
With our loving feelings... 

Göksel Baktagir

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